Mole Mart - Bellisseria Edition
Cutie Crush
The Linden Home regions come with a variety of assets, from plants and environmental decor, to textures and small accessories provided to Linden Home owners via their house-rezzer. Only the land owner of a given house type can access the provided assets for that style of Linden Home.
What is Mole Mart?
Once, long ago, a bold project was undertaken, to create a one-stop-shop for making it easier to find LDPW assets. In the early days, assets like road and land textures were shared with users via the Inventory “Library”, but as SL grew, so did the number of ‘system assets’. As the moles came to town, and started building, they laid out roads, sidewalks, hedges and pavements that residents in those new areas wanted to match up to.
From matching the road texture for a driveway ramp, to matching the lamp posts used all around the continent, SLRR tracks and signals, plants, roadsigns, and so on.
In those days, asset troves were hidden across the grid. A crate hidden in an abandonned dock house, some urns hidden in a building in Bay City, and so on. At one point, someone had the excellent idea to start pulling all of this content together into one location, and that was Mole Mart.
Linden Homes, and the regions they exist within, include a lot of ‘new’ assets. From the various wall and floor textures you can get when you click the house rezzer, the lamps, tractors, haybales, string lights, and so on that are provided to ‘accessorize’ your Linden Home, to the trees and bushes and other standardized landscaping decor, roads, signs, chirping birds, rocks, trees, and environmental items that exist outside the LH parcels.
While some of these assets can be gotten of you own a particular Linden Home, you can only access the assets given by the home you have. Meaning that you have to abandon the Linden Home you may have fallen in love with, just to get a copy of assets from the other designs.
The Solution
Bellisseria is rife with empty ‘official buildings’.. Train stations, lodges, post offices boat houses, Pickle-on-a-stick, and so on. Converting one (or more) of these structures to a “Mole General Store” would seem an excellent use.
Within these store locations, could be vendors that offer various LDPW assets used within Bellisseria, as well as the aforementioned owner-locked Linden Home assets.
If it’s desired to continue to keep these LH assets a premium only feature, limiting their giving to Premium/Premium Plus clickers should be a trivial matter.
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SL Feedback
Merged in a post from Arwyn Quandry:
Title: Make Linden Homes texture packs available at Sandbox Bellisseria
Details: Sandbox Belli has been an awesome boon for builders and people curious about Linden Homes. It would be even better if all of the texture packs for the homes were available there so everyone can build fully with the textures intended for the themes instead of needing to get a home in that theme first to access the texture packs.
Abnor Mole
Abnor Mole
Ah yes. This has been a request from residents ever since the first Linden Homes in Bellisseria have opened and our position on this has always remained the same.
The themed content in the packs associated with each theme are meant as an incentive to try out the home and give the new owner some matching assets to get them started along with some textures and other things to build their own content to match if they so wish. Making these packs available without having to own a home in that theme would remove that incentive. (It also would slam our delivery server with people who have no intention of even trying out a Linden Home and only want the free stuff. ;) )
The original Mole Mart was indeed a bold project... back in the days when nearly all of what we made was simply set as fully permissive and the Mole Mart was a way to make them available instead of adding them to the Library.
Times (and the LDPW) have changed however. Much of our content creation has long shifted to making content for the Lab to provide incentives to residents such as premium gifts, rewards for playing our game properties such as Linden Realms or PaleoQuest, limited edition prizes such as Boopie plushies, and content packs for residents of Linden Homes rather than simply providing free to use full permission items.
Cutie Crush
Abnor Mole - This is
disappointing. I absolutely love my current Linden Home. I'd be happy to be able to explore the other available Linden Homes, even make user-created accessories for others to use with their homes.. but I'm not willing to give up the one I have, just so I can get the wall textures or whatever for the most popular homes.It would be really nice if there was a way for people with Linden Homes to 'try one out' and grab the accessories.. but this is all down to YOUR short-sightedness.
This could have been a storefront, this could have been 'add the accessory packs to the Linden Home rezzers in the sandbox'.. this could have been something that only Premium users could access.
33 votes and just 'nope'.
Amberyl Ethaniel
Cutie Crush I totally agree and find this really disappointing as well.I'm a Premium plus member and love my home as well, but it'd be nice to be able to use some of these other assets in my current house, they don't HAVE to be full perm either.. In fact, at the bellissaria event, they had "model homes" decorated and some of the creators used items from multiple packs. I don't think we should have to give up a house we love to do this..especially those who pay for PP.Sad. LL COULD have made it easier but choose not to.The other "perks" they mention (playing games, plushes, etc) aren't of any interest to me.
Snowlord Resident
Abnor Mole that makes so sense as the LH textures are all transfer so we can share them in between others anyway. and it would have no impact on servers if the assets are just sold direct via a box. I mean you could essentially even make that pack a group gift in bellisseria help group or put it up at the BBB. in fact saying that I mean we could just put it together as residents and do it. so why not just make it simple. also it would not hurt to have outside builders create addons which actually might intice new folks to want a specific home to use said addon.
Amberyl Ethaniel
I agree, it'd be nice to grab the assets in one place rather than having to keep abandoning house styles just for the pack.I'd also love to be able to purchase the homes to put on my own land..
Logan Elf
To help manage demand they could delay putting the latest theme's content pack into the system for a couple of months and stagger when each membership tier gets access.
Crush Cutie
OMG yes please.