[ Filing this after a chat with phronimos for future action. ]
This started as a forum post from a Resi attempting to use the unsupported Search API (https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Search_API) in LSL. Approximately two weeks ago, Resi claims that usages equivalent to
'curl --http1.1 -v -L -o /dev/null 'https://search.secondlife.com?query_term=Galadriel%27s&search_type=standard&collection_chosen=events&maturity=gma'
started failing with 499 status codes.
This was diagnosed as being caused by a combination of no support for cookie data in LSL combined with limited redirection in LSL as well. Some fallout from that can be found in a scripting feature/bug request: https://feedback.secondlife.com/scripting-features/p/llhttprequest-to-support-ephemeral-cookie-data-more-redirects-and-better-error-r What introduced the cookie handling requirement is still unknown. Simulator did not change and nothing obvious changed elsewhere.
So, the basic ask here is for some variant of the Search API that is supported with anonymous access and compatibility with LSL. That may or may not include non-reliance on cookies. We'll see. Other niceties would include content negotiation providing easily-digested data to LSL rather than having to screen scrape.