Unable to Return a No Mod Object even if edit rights are Shared
mistaether Resident
Unable to Return a No Mod Object of another Avatar when object edit rights are Shared
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Maestro Linden
Maestro Linden
under review
Maestro Linden
I can immediately reproduce this between 2 testers, one who had previously given edit rights to the other. The steps I used to reproduce are:
- UserB: Open UserA's profile, and enable 'Allow [UserA] to:' "Edit, delete, or take objects from my land"
- UserA and UserB: visit the same location on 'neutral' territory, which neither user has special powers over. I chose a sandbox region: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Main%20Channel%20Sandbox%20A/132/225/23 , on Second Life Server 2024-10-15.11356152186
- UserA: rez 3 new objects, and set names and next-owner permissions on each object as follows:
- "no-modify" - no-modify / copy / transfer
- "no-copy" - modify / no-copy / transfer
- "no-transfer" - modify / copy / no-transfer
- UserA: individually take each object into inventory and give them to UserB
- UserB: verify that the current-owner permissions for each received object matches its name in your inventory
- UserB: rez each object
- UserA: attempt to individually return each of UserB's objects
Expected results:
UserA should be able to return all 3 objects into UserB's lost and found folder.
Actual results:
- In (7), UserA can return 'no-copy' and 'no-transfer' objects, but is blocked from returning 'no-modify' with this error message from the simulator: "Removal of the object 'notes nomod' from the simulator is disallowed by the permissions system."
- If UserB attempts to 'Return' their own 'no-modify' object, the operation succeeds and it goes into UserB's lost & found folder. So it would follow that UserA should be able to perform the same operation on the UserB's object.
I do
see this issue for modifiable objects that contain no-mod inventory (such that the folded permissions would be no-mod).Maestro Linden
There have been other reports of failures to edit friends' objects, which I have been unable to reproduce:
* From May 2024: https://feedback.secondlife.com/server-bugs/p/unable-to-edit-friends-objects-on-adjacent-sim-even-after-sim-crossing
* From October 2024: https://feedback.secondlife.com/server-bugs/p/if-permitted-to-edit-a-friends-object-cannot-do-it-unless-you-log-into-the-regio
Neither of those issues mentions object owner permissions, but it seems possible that if they just happened to try return on a no-modify object as a test when reporting failures, it could explain those findings.