Yet another day of begging bots hitting many groups and asking for 100L. It's deeply tedious for group moderators, and users are being scammed. For whatever reason this is a problem that has plagued SL for years without any sign of resolution. A common solution has been to put a L$1 sign up fee for groups. This is less than ideal because it creates a barrier to users who have no money at that moment. Also it's no longer working, as I've seen a begging bot kicked out of such a group today. We had a big discussion about solutions in the "Friends of Philip" group, and finding any solution that doesn't create problems of its own seems hard. However I'd like to suggest that when people join a group, they are presented with a challenge-response problem. The issues with Captcha itself are well documented, but some simple challenge that's easy for users and hard for bots (perhaps based on the "honeypot" method?) could dramatically help with this. Maybe this should be a separate entry, but it would also be immensely helpful to have an alternative to group bans, allowing us to temporarily ban a user. Currently these bots get banned, vanish, and are still clogging up the group ban list. If we had temporary (say 1 month) bans as an option, they'd get cleared out of the group ban list.