Mobile Public Beta Announcements

Second Life Mobile Pubic Beta app updates and announcements
October - New Builds
Hi everyone! Happy October! We have a lot of updates to share with you in today's builds -- AND a new video to share, too! Linden Dollars You can now pay objects inworld through the long-press menu, and other avatars from their profile. You can also see your L$ balance. Voice Support We now have experimental support for WebRTC voice in the mobile client. To enable it, select ‘Show Speak Button’ in the menu. Thermal and Low Battery Throttling Your device will heat up slower, and use less battery while in menus and chatting. We also drop the rendering resolution, quality and framerate when your device is hot, or you are in battery saver mode. This should help with longer sessions, also, we’ve added some extra options including a framerate cap in our developer settings. Switching applications Second Life will now run for longer while a background application; and should behave better when you’re frequently switching back and forth. Messaging Improvements Group messages, and messages sent after your avatar has recently teleported will now be delivered more reliably. Rendering improvements We’ve improved avatar feet placement, sculpt rendering, and some material types. We’re still working on a few more fixes, which we hope to release in the next update. Known issues: Logging in while you are already logged in, or have very recently logged out, may result in a ‘gray screen with clouds’, but no avatar rendering. Non-mesh objects may have their texture repeats handled incorrectly, resulting in upside down textures. Avatar shapes, especially around the shoulders may still render incorrectly. Teleports Changing your outfit immediately after teleporting may fail. Sometimes when teleporting, you may receive a message “You are too close to the destination”. Full Change List: Generic Errors from the simulator are now presented to users. Improved handling of server-side avatar appearance baking, multiple fixes, and adds a retry mechanism. Inventory related errors have better internal logging Fixed issue with group details when viewing other avatars profiles Corrected sculpted primitives texture coordinates Simulators track how long they have been connected for, and delay certain actions which are unreliable immediately after teleporting. Long pressing on an object will now more reliably give you the name of the object Added Pay option to Object Interaction Added the ability to Pay an avatar Added ability to see your L$ balance Fixed IMs not arriving for ~15-30s when teleporting to another sim Improved handling of group messages Blurs the scene in the background when viewing the menu, and lowers the underlying rendering resolution significantly Lowered the framerate to 20fps when in low battery, or your device has heated up. Lowered the resolution of rendering when in low battery, or your device has heated up. When the application is running in the background, framerate and resolution will be lowered to avoid wasting battery. Added a Framerate Cap setting to developer settings ("Target Framerate") The application should not log you out when in the background, or at least do so less often. Added access to a new debug menu in developer settings (“Show Wrench”), these tools control how avatars are rendered. On iOS the app is now marked as a VoIP and Audio/Music capable application and should be allowed to run for longer in the background. Avatar feet placement is now much closer to correct, especially for avatars with significant hover height adjustments. Input / joystick styles are now as the designer intended! Added Voice controls to main UI Materials: Correctly handles 'Clip Only' materials Streaming audio will no longer carry across parcels when you hit 'Play' in a new parcel without streaming audio. Time of day setting has been fixed, and has new option names. Avatars now use on-GPU skinning calculations exclusively (this may help with certain devices where avatars show incorrectly, but other devices render them okay) Rapidly changing outfits should no longer result in major issues Changing outfits immediately after teleporting should no longer result in your avatar being half dressed Upgraded engine to Unity 2021.3.41f and Universal Render Pipeline 12.1.15 Lowers Android minimum to Android 10 Lowered the opacity on background overlay (adds a blur) Fix to prevent automatic login after signing out Added filter to Settings > Developer tools Added link to forgot password Bristly Bottom removed from Places > Mobile showcases Phew! We hope you enjoy all of these updates. Please continue to share your feedback and report issues at Thank you! --Bridie Linden
New builds available now!
Happy mid-August! New builds are now available! We think you’ll like this round of updates! Bug fixes + improvements: Hardens the client against bad extended material data Reduces sensitivity of v-stick resulting in improved control of avatar movement Enables new voice chat functions Lighting falloff calculation is improved New Memory Allocators: iOS and Android: We'll now use the OS memory reports to hint our memory allocations in real-time, allowing us to load a bit more content before we run out of RAM. Fixes resizing the app on Android folding devices (e.g. Samsung Z-Fold) Prevents several issues relating to executing UI operations on the wrong thread Water no longer appears in weird places after you teleport More fixes for BOM-using avatars where textures would not load UI Changes: Wear or remove a group tag UI to show (or hide) group titles Fix to not include self in nearby count Modal dialog updates Simplified loading animation for Destination Guide Also, please give WebRTC Voice a try! Enable via menu > Settings > Developer tools > Voice and visit one of the following WebRTC Voice regions: WebRTC Voice 1 - WebRTC Voice 2 - WebRTC Voice 3 - WebRTC Voice 4 - We look forward to your feedback. Thank you! –Bridie Linden
UI Updates and New Features
We are excited to announce several new updates and features for the Second Life mobile app! Your feedback has been invaluable, and we're committed to improving your experience. Here's what's new: WebRTC Voice Integration: We are testing the basic functionality of WebRTC voice on both desktop and mobile. To test this feature, find the settings in the developer tools. Enable voice settings and follow the steps to verify audio between desktop and mobile in WebRTC-enabled regions. Typing Progress Messages: Typing animations are now available in Nearby, DM, and group chats to enhance communication visibility. Check L$ Balance: You can now check your L$ balance directly within the app. Navigate to Menu > Settings > Developer Tools and hit the "Check L$ Balance" button to verify your balance. Fix Push Notification Settings: We've addressed bugs with push notifications. Friend and non-friend IM settings should now be saved consistently. Direct Message Option in Multi-User Chats: The "..." icon above chat messages now includes a "Chat" option in Nearby Chat or group chats, allowing for easier navigation to direct messages with participants. Custom Dropdown Components: We've replaced browser-native dropdowns on the login screen with custom react components for a consistent look across devices. If you experience any difficulties or need assistance, don't hesitate to contact our support team at . Thank you for your continued support and patience as we work to improve the Second Life mobile app! Best regards, The Second Life Mobile App Team
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