Viewer Bug Reports

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Issue with blurry PBR textures
I've been experiencing an issue across a few of my creations, but this one in particular seems to be the worst. (I say this because I'm mostly a platform and store hermit, so I’ve only encountered this issue on my own parcel and once during a content creator group meeting, where my clothing had the same problem.) The issue occurs at random. Yesterday, I reached out to the community on Facebook and Discord, and it seems others are experiencing the same thing. Someone suggested clearing the cache, which did help temporarily. However, when I returned to take some screenshots, the issue reappeared. The problem happens on both Firestorm and Alchemy viewers. Sometimes it resolves itself, but when the main face becomes completely distorted, the only solution seems to be relogging. When the issue is minor - such as a slight blur on the "metal" material - it usually corrects itself. However, when the main area is affected, it doesn't recover on its own. I don’t believe this is an issue with the mesh itself, as I haven’t received any feedback from customers regarding similar problems. That said, I can’t be entirely sure. For reference, the main area affected has 2,755 vertices. I’m attaching screenshots to show how the item should look versus the slight blur on the metal material and the main issue occurring on the primary material. This has been a persistent and frustrating problem, and it seems to be getting worse lately. I’m unsure what steps I can take on my end to mitigate it. If anyone has insights or suggestions, I’d greatly appreciate the feedback! Thank you ♥


ExtraFPS Crash on Mac
The viewer tends to crash, mostly after a moment when the app is on the background. It seems related to llvertexbuffer The same is happening on multiple Mac configurations Here is a partial crash log: Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: OpenGLMT 0 <translation info unavailable> 0x10c14f978 ??? 1 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x7ff80361beb3 _sigtramp + 51 2 AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer 0x123ec49b3 GLDContextRec::testFence(GLDFenceRec*, int) + 27 3 GLEngine 0x7ffa21b5c76e gleTestSync + 149 4 GLEngine 0x7ffa21acd471 glWaitSync_ListExec + 22 5 GLEngine 0x7ffa21b4e80a gleCmdProcessor + 80 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x7ff80343f7e2 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x7ff80344c8f2 _dispatch_lane_barrier_sync_invoke_and_complete + 60 8 GLEngine 0x7ffa21abd580 glDeleteBuffers_ExecThread + 25 9 Second Life Release 0x103ef5e08 delete_buffers(int, unsigned int*) + 392 10 Second Life Release 0x103efbec6 LLAppleVBOPool::free(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned char*) + 54 11 Second Life Release 0x103ef5040 LLVertexBuffer::~LLVertexBuffer() + 176 12 Second Life Release 0x103ef570e LLVertexBuffer::~LLVertexBuffer() + 14 13 Second Life Release 0x1028ba2cf LLPointer<LLVertexBuffer>::unref() + 79 14 Second Life Release 0x103ea8bbd LLFontVertexBuffer::reset() + 77 15 Second Life Release 0x103f2738d LLComboBox::setCurrentByIndex(int) + 221 16 Second Life Release 0x103f266bc LLComboBox::add(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>> const&, EAddPosition, bool) + 236 17 Second Life Release 0x102f68c91 LLFloaterTools::updatePopup(LLCoord<LL_COORD_TYPE_GL>, unsigned int) + 1281 18 Second Life Release 0x103a18673 LLViewerWindow::updateLayout() + 307 19 Second Life Release 0x103a15cac LLViewerWindow::updateUI() + 11532 20 Second Life Release 0x102a1d5a9 LLAppViewer::idle() + 1561 21 Second Life Release 0x102a1b89e LLAppViewer::doFrame() + 1918 22 Second Life Release 0x102a1acc7 LLAppViewer::frame() + 55 23 Second Life Release 0x1029c5fcf -[LLAppDelegate oneFrame] + 15


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