hello everyone, is it possible to create a police force for sl? these people, the sim crashers, crash sims not for fun but for money, they charge something like 50,000l per crash and some ask for the piece from others, otherwise the evenings are destroyed, here the situation is serious, every day new avatars are created to crash sims, I ask if it is possible to create a system where these people are banned from sl and all their alters, because they are convinced that the LL does nothing to them and they can continue instead we need protection from these people and I also volunteer in my small way for this system of putting these despicable people and their principals in the blacklist grid, let me know if it is possible and with whom to talk seriously about these fake mafiosi who hang around in sl, thanks for your attention, maybe you are not aware of this situation that exists in sl but it doesn't seem right to me because it should be a place for fun not for fear