Something that I think that would help in Second life, especially with those that do not like the User interface to be present so much at the bottom or the sides, is a collapsible User interface Button. What would that look like? Well you know how you get a hud and you can close that hud, make it smaller? and it's tucked away somewhere in the corner? That's what it will look like. (I recommend the Collapsible U.I. button to be the S.L hand Icon) If you do this, they can hide that part of the U.I without having to Alt + shift + U to hide everything and they don't have to take off the buttons they want to keep on that toolsbar. It would just be a transparent icon that you can click to close and click to open at any time. This would help make the screen feel less cluttery and would put more of the scene into the picture. It would help feel less overwhelming to the eyes, because less is in your face, constantly. I feel like the less that is on the screen, the less cluttery it feels.